"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The End

Setelah beberape ketika akhirnye bersemangat balik nak menulis kat sini. Sbb dah takde lecturer nak tgk, jadi boleh la tulis cincai2 sket heh. Untuk training ni patut nye ade 59 hari tapi mampu buat smp 34 hari je! haha mmg gagal. Tibe2 lak hujung2 tu ade pegi outstation terus hilang momentum nak update. Tapi ok la tu kan 1st time kot tulis blog.

Entri kali ni kirenye sbg penutup rasmi la utk blog ni, mcm tak best lak kalo tinggal tergantung mcm ni je kan. Jadi saya sertakan video (slideshow gmbr bermuzik sbnrnye hoh) yg saya hantar pade lecturer utk mendptkan markah sbyk 5%, walau pun gred die pass dgn fail je. Smgt plak. Terima kasih kpd semua yg melawat blog ni, maaf sbb tak update. Ade ke pelawat? Ade kot.. haha. Sape2 yg ade soalan boleh lah tujukan ke hadi_gan at yahoo dot com.

So long Hadigan's Internship! you have served me well :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Thirty-Fourth Day

Unfortunately, there is nothing significant to be written today so I'll just leave a random picture from my TNBR folder for you to ponder about, heh.

Rubbish House

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Thirty-Third Day

I am scheduled to go to TNB Ipoh next week (24-27 May) for the pilot cable fault detection and today, I helped my co-supervisor which will be the leader of the trip to prepare the required documents and equipments.

Several forms to record data were printed and we set aside the equipments and tools that we are going to bring there such TDR, IR tester, and multimeter. Early preparations are the way to go. You never know..

Our very own TDR

The Thirty-Second Day

If you have been reading my posts, you would have some idea about the project that I'm currently involved in which is the "Pilot Cable Fault Detection". The equipment used to detect the fault is known as a Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). This equipment injects a waveform inside the cable and the waveform will be reflected back to the equipment, processed and then displayed. From the reflected waveform, the type of fault can be determined. This is an example of how the displayed waveform looks like:

The large jump at the end indicates the end of the cable while the small jumps in between can be joints and faults. There is this equipment vendor that would like to sell their TDR to the Cable Unit and they are offering a demonstration on the new TDR. I, together with my supervisor and co-supervisor went to PMU KLIA to attend the demonstration that is going to be done on a pilot cable there.

This is where the electricity of KLIA originates

Demonstration being done

Overall, my supervisor which is the head of The Team is quite fond with the new TDR and is now considering on getting one. Too bad I won't be around when the new TDR arrives, heh.

The Thirty-First Day

This is what I have dug up from today's Monday Buzz. As an employer, you don't just come to your workplace everyday, doing the work that you are asked to do, received your salary at the end of the month, and then repeat the same thing over and over again. There will be no meaning to your life and you are no different than a robot.

So how do you make it more meaningful? One of the top executives of the company has suggested that first you have to believe in yourself and your ability. Then you will begin to change to be a better employee. After that, you will feel belonged to the company once you realize the meaning of coming to work then you will become a better person. This can be simplified in 4 words which are:

Yes, the most important thing is believing in yourself. This reminds me of the famous quote of Naruto.. Dattebayo! (believe it!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Thirtieth Day

The picture above shows the logbooks used to record the data for the partial discharge test that has been done from 2007 until now. O.W.T.S. stands for Oscillating Wave Test System, an alternative method of partial discharge test which has been brought to Malaysia by The Team, something that they are really proud of and a big contribution to the TNB distribution system. 1 logbook contains about 30 cables and multiply it by 35, The Team has already tested more than 1000 cables. Very impressive.

So, what about it? I need to rearrange the softcopy of the data to a new format that will be used as a standard format for all the partial discharge test team in the country. By doing that, I also need to look for the pattern of partial discharge occurance in cable sby their location, type, length, age, and etc. This will be my regular activity until stated otherwise..
-tgh gile mass effect 2

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Twenty-Ninth Day

One of the test equipment in The Lab can measure the overall capacitance of a cable. If we know the capacitance specification of the cable which is in uF/km, the length of the cable can be calculated. The problem is that the information is not available since the value of capacitance/km differs for each cable and depends on sizes, types of insulation, and manufacturers. Nobody would still keep the cable datasheet I believe.

To estimate the value, I was given the task to find the average of the value based on the length and the total capacitance data taken from past samples. The values then will be classified based on the criteria stated above. The average of the value will be useful to predict the length of the cable, if the actual equipment fails to work.

Also, cekodok again today! This delicious thing deserves a better name, far better, heh.

Quick, 4 cucuk left!