"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Twenty-Ninth Day

One of the test equipment in The Lab can measure the overall capacitance of a cable. If we know the capacitance specification of the cable which is in uF/km, the length of the cable can be calculated. The problem is that the information is not available since the value of capacitance/km differs for each cable and depends on sizes, types of insulation, and manufacturers. Nobody would still keep the cable datasheet I believe.

To estimate the value, I was given the task to find the average of the value based on the length and the total capacitance data taken from past samples. The values then will be classified based on the criteria stated above. The average of the value will be useful to predict the length of the cable, if the actual equipment fails to work.

Also, cekodok again today! This delicious thing deserves a better name, far better, heh.

Quick, 4 cucuk left!

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