"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Twenty-Eighth Day

Remember the cable that went under the knife two day ago? I was asked to compile all the data related on the cable such as the partial discharge (PD) test result and the failure analysis report to form a case study on the reliability of the PD results. So I did some study on some case study samples and collected the required data. All I need left is the failure analysis report which the person in charge is still working on.

On a totally unrelated note, on some days a person of The Team would be generous enough to bring food to The Lab, and it has never been me, not yet! Most of the time it was cekodok. Honestly, I was never a fan of cekodok but this changes recently. Is it because of the new environment? or the fact that it is free? but one thing for sure is because I'm hungry, heh.

Don't be fooled by the looks


  1. Amongst all posts, i'm attracted to this....izzad corner punye cekodok ke? hahaha :P

  2. camtu aku tulis psal makanan je la setiap hari hoh.

    aa tak sure plak yg tu, selalu makan je haha.. tapi diorg beli dkt upten aa
