"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Nineteenth Day

Please disregard my previous post under the same title. My extreme laziness suddenly kicks in and made me unable to make a proper post. This will happen a lot more in the future so get used to it, heh.

The logbook that is required to record the data for the cable testing is out of pages and new logbooks need to be made so I went with one of the technician to the stationary room located in the managing department. It is just a small room but has enough equipments and stationeries to fulfill office related tasks.

There is a huge photocopy machine, which always have people using it, a binding machine, a rack of colourful papers, binding combs of different sizes, and other things that I am unfamiliar with. For the first time in my life, I finally got to use a photocopy machine and a binding machine. How sad. I know, *sniff*. We went back to The Lab with 3 new sets of freshly made logbooks.

The binding machine, and other stuffs

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