"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Sixteenth Day

The Monday Buzz is here again. I would like to point out something interesting, for me at least, that happened in the hall this morning. In the assembly, selected staffs will come out on the stage and share anything that they want, from "cupcake baking" to "how to stop smoking". Anything. This time, it is about effective breastfeeding. I don't think there is anything wrong with that but the speaker is a guy and most of the audience are guys as well, maybe a more appropriate topic can be chosen instead. There are even actual pictures of the subject on the screen. Giggles can be heard everywhere.

Surprisingly, as soon as the slides ended, the speaker revealed that it is just the introduction of his talk. I didn't see that coming, I'm sure the others as well. No, you must be the only one. Shh.. don't ruin that part. Anyway, the talk is actually about leadership. As a leader, there will be a time that you need to talk to your followers about something uncomfortable, not only to yourself but your followers as well, but it has to be done either way. So, what do you do? You have to be well prepared, be comfortable with your subject, and deliver it in a way that it makes your audience comfortable as well. How? I leave that for you to think about, heh. The speaker showed a very good example on that thus giving me something to write about. Excellent mister!

The entrance to the hall

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