"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Thirtieth Day

The picture above shows the logbooks used to record the data for the partial discharge test that has been done from 2007 until now. O.W.T.S. stands for Oscillating Wave Test System, an alternative method of partial discharge test which has been brought to Malaysia by The Team, something that they are really proud of and a big contribution to the TNB distribution system. 1 logbook contains about 30 cables and multiply it by 35, The Team has already tested more than 1000 cables. Very impressive.

So, what about it? I need to rearrange the softcopy of the data to a new format that will be used as a standard format for all the partial discharge test team in the country. By doing that, I also need to look for the pattern of partial discharge occurance in cable sby their location, type, length, age, and etc. This will be my regular activity until stated otherwise..
-tgh gile mass effect 2

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