"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Twenty-Sixth Day

As usual, the day is started with The Monday Buzz. I would like to share one of the topics presented which is about brain. As an employee, normally you do the same thing everyday and that will make your brain lazy which will cause problem when you actually need to use it. To prevent this, you need to train your brain constantly and some of the recommended methods are by playing musical instruments, solving puzzles, and by throwing away your calculator. Not literally of course. How come playing computer games is not included? Sigh.

After that, I accompanied a member of The Team to do a post-mortem on a section of a cable that is suspected to have a faulty joint based on the Partial Discharge test result. The post-mortem is done by the failure analysis group (FAG) *laughs* and the person I accompanied is also a part of that group. The findings from the post-mortem will be used as a case study and a lot of people will get benefit from it. Unfortunately, I have to leave before the cable surgery is done due to another event. Wow, what an eventful day.

A phase of a 33kV underground cable,
waiting to be cut

In the afternoon, I attended a talk on the new methods of fault location pin-pointing presented by two researchers. The first speaker talks about transmission line and the second speaker which is my co-supervisor talks about pilot cables. This monthly program gives opportunity for researchers to share about their researches to other employees and the audiences can ask questions at the same time. Very educational indeed.

You are both welcome!

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