"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Thirty-Second Day

If you have been reading my posts, you would have some idea about the project that I'm currently involved in which is the "Pilot Cable Fault Detection". The equipment used to detect the fault is known as a Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). This equipment injects a waveform inside the cable and the waveform will be reflected back to the equipment, processed and then displayed. From the reflected waveform, the type of fault can be determined. This is an example of how the displayed waveform looks like:

The large jump at the end indicates the end of the cable while the small jumps in between can be joints and faults. There is this equipment vendor that would like to sell their TDR to the Cable Unit and they are offering a demonstration on the new TDR. I, together with my supervisor and co-supervisor went to PMU KLIA to attend the demonstration that is going to be done on a pilot cable there.

This is where the electricity of KLIA originates

Demonstration being done

Overall, my supervisor which is the head of The Team is quite fond with the new TDR and is now considering on getting one. Too bad I won't be around when the new TDR arrives, heh.

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