"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Eleventh Day

Let me start with the morning assembly, locally known as The Monday Buzz. It began with a doa, followed by a short upper body exercise, then a pledge reading ceremony by the employees. It was the management turn this time. After that there's a talk on the green technology unit, tips on e-mail tracking, and a video about fuel cell technology, which is 3 times more efficient than a conventional gasoline engine. At least that is what I managed to remember. The assembly ended with everyone singing "the song of the day", which is this song. I chose that because it has the highest views among other videos with the same title, heh.

Wow, that's quite a lot. I should do this every Monday! I still haven't received my specific assignment yet so until then, I won't be writing about my daily activities since it's just the same as the previous days. Now I present you, a random picture of TNBR to end my post.

The path to The Lab

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