"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Sixth Day

Monday morning is the time when all the TNBR employees including the top management gather in a classy auditorium for the morning assembly. I was honored to be there this morning to witness this event with my very eyes. I purposely escaped last week's assembly fearing the thought of introducing myself in front of the whole company and today, it turns out that nobody even noticed about our presence, which is cool, heh. Then again, there are still 10 Mondays left and 1 of them could be the day when my worst nightmare comes true.

The assembly was simple and fun. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I did enjoy it. You have to be there to experience the moment, it just can't be described by words. Oh really? Just say that you are lazy to write! Sshhh.. not too loud. Okay, you are right this time. Next Monday maybe! Hoho.

So today, I helped the senior technician with his research data by using Excel. The data needs to be represented by graphs and from there, further analysis would be done. The place where I worked:

The research is about IPC, which stands for Insulated Piercing Connector. What does it do!?? It joins cables together, as simple as that. They are creating a standard or module for IPC testing, which doesn't exist yet. More on this IPC later! An example of IPC and it's cross section:

The rest of the day is spent by helping the officemates preparing for the 5S inspection. Yeah, they are still working on it. Also, bonus pic of the day:

3 different sizes of trash can in 1 spot!
This takes awesomeness to a whole new level

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