"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Second Day

It seems like the time is running so slow today since there is no work to be done and I'm just waiting for the time to leave. The supervisor is busy for the whole day and most of the technicians suddenly disappeared. However, a manual on underground cable maintenance was given yesterday and that is what I was doing for the whole day, reading the manual while resisting the urge to sleep. If The Colleague wasn't there, I would have fell asleep in that very cozy meeting room, heh. Behold, the manual:

The manual basically explains about the technical details on cable maintenance and how the procedures should be done. After reading it for I-forgot-how-many times, I paid a visit to a nearby room that contains a setup of cables that is currently being researched. The test is known as The Heat Cycle test and the technicians need to record the temperature reading of the cables every 30 minutes for 24/7 until the connectors failed. More about this later, since I'm afraid that there is nothing to blog about tomorrow. Oh right before I go, the cables setup:

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