"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Twelfth Day

Being an engineer is not all about doing reports, researches, and technical stuffs. You do other things as well. Bad introduction. I knew you are going to say that because I kind of agree, sadly. Anyway today, I was given the opportunity to write a tender about purchasing a new microscope for The Lab. Actually, the tender is almost complete. All I need to do is to add things that I think necessary and do some editing here and there. So you did almost nothing? Hey! at least I learned something.

The challenge is that in a tender, you cannot state the brand or model that you want but instead you have to specify the specifications of the microscope and this requires knowledge on the subject which I don't have any, heh. So I spent quite a while reading about microscopes, their functions, and their usages. Hopefully I'm still there when the new microscope arrives.

Microscope brochures to be read


  1. nope, it'll take 3 month to process & to acquire !! miahahaha ~ u'll be long gone :P lalalala ~
