"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Seventeenth Day

The Lab is not as lively as usual since most of the members were out due to work related matters. Initially, I was planning to loaf around since there is no one to supervise me but hey, everyone else is working hard so I should too.

Wish granted. I was occupied for the whole day, thanks to The Team. The first half is spent by keying in cable test results into the company's operation database and the other half is by following The Team to do Partial Discharge test on 2 cables in Cyberjaya. Yeah, the test is similar to this, but this time I got to use the testing equipments by myself.

As an engineer, it's not just about knowing how to do the procedures, you also have to know why the procedures are done that way. That was what I did, asking questions after questions. It's a good thing that The Team is being really helpful. Remind me to bring some pulut kuning next time, heh.

The Visit #2
Something to ponder on: Studying is about gaining knowledge and work is about gaining wealth. Knowledge will always be helpful and work should be something that you enjoy doing, doesn't need to be related on what you have studied.
End of post.

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